Can Baby Teeth Get Cavities?
Yes, baby teeth can get cavities, in fact, research shows that 42% of children ages 2 to 11 have had cavities in their primary (baby) teeth. Since baby teeth are just going to fall out many parents think they can just let it go if their child has a cavity. It’s true that these teeth […]

Should I Change My Toothbrush After Getting Sick?
You may have heard from your dentist or another source that it is important to change your toothbrush out after a cold. Some say that with frequently sick individuals a toothbrush is not necessary. We recommend you should change your toothbrush after getting sick, as a safety precaution no matter the severity of the disease. […]

How To Tell If I Grind My Teeth At Night
Grinding your teeth (technical term bruxism) at night is a harmful condition that can be seriously detrimental to your oral health. Especially since you are doing it when you are asleep, it can take serious symptoms to start showing until you are able to recognize that a problem is even occurring. Unless you have someone […]

Should you rinse your mouth out after brushing?
Whether you should or shouldn’t rinse your mouth out after brushing has become a quite controversial topic. There are reasons on both sides of the argument so we have laid them out below: Why Some Argue You Should Rinse Your Mouth: After brushing your mouth is filled with a foamy flavored toothpaste so many people […]

Severe Pain After Temporary Crown
Crown placement is necessary for a variety of conditions related to your dental health, placed usually when fillings or other methods are unable to be used. They help protect, restore, stabilize, and keep your teeth aesthetically pleasing to look at. There are some procedures that may be uncomfortable or painful at the dentist, you may […]

Do Kids Need Fillings on Baby Teeth?
After parents are advised their child has a cavity, the most common question asked is: “Do baby teeth need fillings? Can’t we wait until the tooth falls out?” You should take your child’s cavities in their primary teeth just as seriously as you should take them in permanent teeth – meaning, you should seek the […]