FAQ Answered By The Practice Administrator
Amy King, the practice administrator of Noll Family Dentistry, will answer the most frequently asked questions in the dental office.
Q: “Do you take my insurance?”
A: We need all your information to verify that for you so when you call in or if you’re requesting information online you will need to give us that information. We will need the carrier name, your ID number, and your group number. We need this to verify on our end and make sure we participate with your plan. With this info, we can also notify you if we think you’ll have any out-of-pocket expenses so you’re aware of that.
Q: “How long is my first appointment?”
A: For new patient adults we schedule 90-minute appointments. Some people think that’s a little excessive but we want to dedicate that time to you and your dental concerns and anything that you might want to discuss in the appointment. We don’t want our new patients to feel rushed or on a time schedule for the doctor to get in and out and on to the next patient, so we like to dedicate that portion of time to you, investing in our new patients. Subsequent adult appointments for cleanings and checkups would be 60 minutes. For children, it would be age dependent on the length of the appointment.
Q: “How soon can my first appointment be?”
A: If you’re not having any dental concerns and you’re just looking for a cleaning and check-up, we are at times, scheduled several months out into the year but we work in an active cancellation list and we’re always contacting patients to try and move those appointments up sooner. I take great pride in making sure that we utilize our cancellation list every day to move your appointment forward so even though we schedule you a little further out typically we will get you in prior to that scheduled appointment and then of course if you are having a problem, or you have a toothache, or you’re concerned about something that can’t wait we get you in to see one of the doctors as soon as possible.
Q: “Do you need my x-rays from my old office?”
A: We need your x-rays if they exist at another office. If you have insurance, they will only pay for certain services within a certain amount of time so your insurance company might have a “one per three year” limitation so that service is only eligible to be paid by them every three years. So we run a history check with your insurance and if you have something on file that we need to obtain from another office we’ll go through the process of getting that sent from your previous dentist.
Q: “Can I do everything online?”
A: A lot of people would prefer to do all the interactions online. We try to do as much as possible but there are limitations so at some point in time we do need to verbally speak with you regarding your appointment. You might get a reply as a new patient to please call the office and we do have one evening that we’re here unill 7 P.M. On Wednesdays and Fridays we start at 7 A.M. and we also have Saturdays every 3rd week. So there are some times that you’ll be able to call if it doesn’t suit your business schedule.
We’re excited to have new patients, we’re growing in the Carlisle area and we have a five-star review from our patients. We enjoy getting to know you and taking care of you and your family members!
Want to learn more or schedule an appointment? Visit https://nollfamilydentistry.com